Excursions in China |
For tourists in China 99 cities of huge cultural-historical value, 750 unique cultural monuments which are under protection of the state, and also 119 landscape places are opened.
These are the well-known monasteries, including a legendary Shaolin, женьшеневые farms in a province Tsinghai, the Great Chinese wall, numerous archeological excavations in deserts Gobis and Takla Makan, climbing bases on east slopes of the Himalayas and Каракорума, picturesque Yunnan-Guichzhouskoe uplands with set of the mountain rivers, falls and deep caves.
These are unique lakes Tai Hus and Сиху, mountains Tai Shans, Хуаншань, Эмэйшань, Dunhuansky caves — a treasury of ancient Buddhist art, a cave It is young-gan, falls Хуангошу, karstic caves and «stone wood» in district Vanshen, caves Лудиянь in Guilin.
In woods Big Хингана hunting are arranged. Travelling on an ancient Silk way, it is possible to visit Sintszjan-Uigur independent area where the Chinese Moslems live. From a province Sichuan it is possible to make cruise over the river Jantszy (three well-known canyons Санься), to visit on a grief Emej, having visited reserve Tszjuchzhajgou. Unique edge on beauty — the river Litszjan in Guilin and five «sacred mountains».