History of China |
The history of China totals 5000 years. First dynasty Циа has not left after itself any monuments, but it is considered to be, that this board proceeded with 2200 for 1700 B.C. As it is described in legends, its predecessors were certain godlike beings which have presented to people sacred gift of a life, have learnt to hunt and be engaged in agriculture. Existence of the subsequent dynasties has weak enough acknowledgement, but they become more and more convincing with each next century, telling about agricultural tribes which worshipped to the ancestors.
In Жоу (1100 - 221 B.C.) has arisen конфуцианство and the board on "heavenly goodwill" that meant the right to operate only on justice was established and forbade harm and corruption; subsequently it has laid down in a basis of Thai sights about divine disapproval which is expressed in natural cataclysms, earthquakes, flooding and plague epidemics.
For the first time Chineses have been united during dynasty board Throw (221 - 207 B.C.). At this time uniform writing has been entered, building of the Great Chinese Wall is finished. Subsequent dynasty Хань (206 to н. э - 220 d.C.) waged numerous wars; at this time it has been created Three Princedoms. It is curious, that for this time exhausted with war it is necessary blossoming of the Buddhism and development of arts.
The chaos and separation were replaced by association in days of dynasty Шуй (581 - 618) which has become stronger at board Tan (618 - 907); usually it is considered, that it is the most nice period of the Chinese history. Military victories of China have restored its control over silk trading ways, and the society has got unprecedented international structure. At this time was extended the Buddhism which has broken up into two various branches: цань and religion of the Pure earth (the Chinese Buddhism).
The board of dynasty Сонь (960 - 1279) has been noted by revival конфуцианства, an urbanization and trading revolution; in 13 century traveller Marco Polo spoke about huge, prospering Chinese cities. Grandson Gendzhi Kublaj the Khan from dynasty Янь (1271 - 1368) has based capital in that place where now there is Beijing, and has created militaristic administrative board. Buddhist novice Hongu has begun dynasty Минь (1368 - 1644) with capitals in Beijing and Nanning.
The Portugueses who have landed at coast in 1516 were the first Europeans who have appeared in China. Trading mission in a city of Macao in 1557 has been created, but till 1760 many states had an easy approach to the markets of China through Guangzhou. Trade prospered, but only on advantage to China as the British purchases of silk and tea considerably surpassed the Chinese purchases of a wool and spices. In 1773 British have decided to change balance of the party by opium sale. By 1840 the country was captured by Opium wars.
The peace treaties signed in favour of the Great Britain have led, eventually, to the beginning of negotiations in ГонконгеКитай has agreed with the policy of Open doors offered the USA for free trade, and soon all Chinese colonial possession have departed to other countries: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia - France, Burma - England, Korea and Taiwan - Japan. And to signing of the humiliating Nankinsky contract. The subsequent capture of the earth by the western countries has led to country split on spheres of foreign influence.
First half of 20 centuries was the period of the uttermost chaos. Intellectuals rushed about in search of new philosophy in exchange конфуцианству while militaristic circles dreamt of world supremacy. Party Kuomintan (Nationalistic party) led by Сун Яценом has become stronger in the south of China and has started to prepare National Revolutionary Army (НРА). Negotiations between Komintern and Chinese марксистами, come to the end At this time have begun creation of Communist party of China (handheld computer) in 1921. Hopes of a handheld computer to unite with Nationalist party have failed because of death Сун Яцена and promotion from numbers of Nationalist party Zhian Kajsheka which was the supporter of a capitalist way of development and militaristic dictatorship.
In the ranks of communists there was a split between those who trusted in urbanization prospects, and those who was the supporter of agricultural development. Mao Dzedun has collected armies in mountains Zhinzhan Shang and in 1930 has acted with guerrilla army from 40 000 persons. Жиань has conducted four anticommunistic campaigns, each of which has ended with a victory of communists. The fifth campaign hardly has not crowned success as communists have faced armies face to face. Communists had to recede from Гуанси on the north in Шанши. It was the Big march of 1934. Along the line communists armed peasants and distributed the earth, and Mao Dzedun has been recognised by the permanent leader of a handheld computer.
In 1931 Japan has taken advantage of the chaos reigning in the country, and has landed in Манчжурии. Жиань Кайшек almost could make nothing to protect China from encroachments of Japan which by 1939 occupied the most part of east China. After the Second World War China has been involved in civil war. On October, 1st, 1949 Mao Dzedun has proclaimed formation of National Republic China (НРК), and Жиань Кайшек has emigrated to Taiwan. The USA continued to recognise as its lawful governor of the country.
НРК has begun the existence as the country-bankrupt, but in 1950 there has come time большей confidence of the future. People have been united by the Korean war, by 1953 inflation has been suspended, the national economy has reached premilitary level, redistribution of the earth has been spent and the First five years' plan has started to be carried out. "Liberalisation of Tibet" in 1950 was the most tragical consequence of a party management. Beijing has undertaken violent eviction of the Tibetan spiritual leaders and a genocide of the most valuable spiritual culture. Now this destruction is stopped.
The following plan carried out a policy of the Big Jerk which purpose was to give signal to start to a national economy for achievement of a world level of development. Despite all revolutionary eagerness, the plan has been ruined by an inefficient management, and also acts of nature and the termination in 1960 of all help from the USSR.
The cultural revolution (1966 - 1970) has been undertaken to distract attention of the people from these failures, all it was accompanied by strengthening of influence Mao Dzeduna which was spread by distribution of the collection of its citations, Small Red Book, elimination of opponents and introduction of Red Groups. Universities have been closed, intellectuals killed, temples were exposed to defilement, and everything, that reminded of the capitalist past of China, collapsed.
Split was outlined in the politician of Beijing between moderate reformers Жу Интлай and Dan Sjaopinom, radicals and маоистами, under the guidance of wife Mao Zhian Zhin.
Radicals have broken in the power after death Жу in 1976. Хуа Жиофень, selected follower Mao, has been appointed by the prime minister. Indignation of a society of policy Жиань Жин and its cliques was pulled out outside in mass actions on area Тянанмень which have been severely suppressed then Dan Sjaopin has been compelled to disappear as it declared the initiator of "antirevolutionary" performances.
Dan has returned by an active political life in 1977, having generated Oppositional committee consisting of six persons to a handheld computer.
Led by Dan Sjaopinom, having taken part in signing in 1984 of the Joint Declaration, China has headed for economic restoration though political reforming has been practically cancelled. The general discontent with a policy of the party and amplifying requirements of democracy have led to distribution of general performances of the protest, a mass wave of demonstrations in 1989, come to the end with bloody tragedy on area Тянанмень.
At the moment British and Portugueses practically "have returned to China keys" from Hong Kong and Macao. The country develops as uniform system under the plan considering interests of all levels of population. With death Dan Sjaopina and management transition to Jean Zheminju Kitaj has chosen a new course. Fears, that the country can fail because of the highest rate of inflation, corruption in the power, weak economic development and low incomes of agriculture till now were not justified, crisis managed to be avoided, even when "abrupt guys" from the World Trade Organization have proposed to enter it and to play in their dark financial games. As an entrance fee, it was offered to put things in order with human rights.
Huge obstacle in a way of creation of model of uniform China is the island Taiwan which, agreeing with this model, nevertheless demands freedom preservation, understanding value of this word in own way. China has finished rhetoric about "brothers and sisters"; as proof of that in each family there are problems, it supports the words with demonstration of military muscles. It is the Chinese variant of Bern operated senior and stronger brother.