Rest in China. China

Rest in China

The bicycle is an informal symbol of China, and in the country with 300 million bicyclists you without effort can hire any bicycle, beginning from old, jingling, local manufacture to almost decent multi-speed mountain. Even in small cities where there are some tourists, it is possible to see hire points in which invite local residents. Bicycle excursions are very popular, both many Chinese and western travel agencies will organise short and long bicycle excursions on the country. During such excursions it is possible to do stops in a way everywhere where there is a rag of a green grass.

If there was no such set to ridiculous expensive licences fans of mountaineering, travel on rafts, hand gliding and other extreme sports would take China storm. Instead you will come across woods of forbidding tablets and signs. At least, fans of the pedestrian excursions can freely move without any permission as they besides do not have any especial equipment. But admirers of mountain tracks are limited by routes which have special paths with a handrail, steps, tents with souvenirs and restaurants. The unique decision of this problem - to leave under the earth. Excursions in caves, especially in southwest provinces, can deliver a lot of pleasure, but be ready to wet through and be soiled.

Travel on camels are very popular in the Inner Mongolia and in deserts around Дунянь (a province of Gansu), and a campaign on horses on hills in vicinities of Tsinan or to the West from Beijing can be the most fascinating way of carrying out of day. It is possible to skate on lakes of Beijing and on skis (mountain and on a cross-country terrain) in northeast provinces in the winter, but to the western tourists with their huge sizes of footwear, probably, it is necessary to bring with itself ski boots.

Those who does not like to move much, probably, will prefer thaw чи, the popular form of slow aerobics in which are engaged in each city park early in the morning. To beginners will be always glad. If you wish to work as the brains, many universities will offer paid courses for foreign students; into number of subjects offered for studying enter the Chinese language, the Chinese medicine, акупунктуру, drawing by a brush and music.

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