It is useful to know |
Meal cult - the important part of culture of the country. In the morning the obligatory breakfast, and at 12 o'clock all Beijing has dinner - from 12.00 till to disturb Chineses it is not recommended. Traditionally Chinese dinner is covered behind a round table in which centre the flat circle on a rotating support is established. The food moves on the big plates and is shifted in necessary quantity on small plates by the visitor. Cold snack, then - hot dishes and only after them - so-called basic dishes ("чжуши") in the beginning move. In the end of a meal soup or a broth moves. A dessert as that, is not present - fruit and sweets throughout all meal are on a table and frequently even are used in the basic dish.
Practically it is necessary to take all dishes sticks. After the meal termination it is impossible to leave sticks thrust in food and the more so - sticking out of a cup. The size of portions is usually enough great, therefore it is recommended to order one on some person. The dirty cloth after visitors is considered a sign of that the entertainment was pleasant. It is impossible to direct a teapot nouse on the person. Fish goes a head on the most dear. Because of unusual food diarrheas are frequent, therefore it is recommended to have at itself медпрепараты "a gastric class".
Photo - and video shooting in temples and museums it is forbidden. In some places shooting is resolved only for an additional payment. To photograph official bodies and strategic objects (even bridges and dams) it is not recommended. According to the new Criminal code a penal crime is photographing without the prevention, and also videorecording in public places where there are no corresponding resolving tablets.
The input on territory of stations is rigidly supervised and without the ticket inside do not start up.
Independent visiting of some areas at border with Laos and Myanma, and also area of Tibet for which visiting the special visa is necessary is unsafe. Tibet is the most convenient for visiting with group on in advance stipulated route.
At itself always it is necessary to have cut-away of hotel with an inscription on-kitajski or the data filled with any Chinese (translator). It will allow not to lose the way in an artful design of local streets and always to explain to local residents, that you the foreigner as because of complexity of language to remember even ten local words is problematic. The respect sign considers to take and submit something both hands.