Customs in China. China

Customs in China

Import of national currency is limited by the sum in 6000 RMB. Import and foreign currency export is unlimited. If during stay in China the tourist has not spent all local currency, before departure it can exchange it back on necessary foreign, having shown the inquiry on an initial exchange (the inquiry is valid within 6 months).

Duty-free import of 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500 г tobacco, 1,5 l of spirits, electrical household appliances and other subjects of use — for the sum to 2000 RMB is resolved. Personal things, and also cameras, portable tape recorders, portable videocameras and laptops are duty-free imported — in one subject if their cost does not exceed 5000 RMB (things it is necessary to show at departure). The citizens arriving and departing from the airports of the Peoples Republic of China, should inform on values available for them and other goods in the special customs declaration. Rules does not extend on children till 16 years accompanied by adults and the persons who are not subject to customs inspection.

Import of the weapon, pornography, explosives, drugs and poisons is forbidden. Export of the historical documents, valuable subjects and works of art, and also painting and a drawing without the check of the shop confirming legality of purchase, or the permission to export from the Chinese Administrative Department on cultural values is forbidden at the Ministry of culture of the Peoples Republic of China.

Aeroport gathering on internal airlines makes the sum equivalent ~6 USD, and on international — nearby 11 USD.
At a start from Hong Kong aeroport gathering at a rate of 150 HKD (~20 USD) is raised.

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