Hotels in Malaysia. Malaysia

Hotels in Malaysia

Отельные bases Лангкави and Пенанга a little than differ from each other. Everywhere there are hotels 3, 4 and 5 "stars", the only thing — on Пенанге practically is not present hotels бунгального type.
In Borneo отельная the base is less, but in it prevail basically "five". They are much cheaper «пятизвёздников» Лангкави and Пенанга, and on level and comfort differ nothing. At each hotel the big territory, set of additional services and entertainments.

From all beach hotels of Borneo in Russian market two-three are presented only. There is still a pair of hotels 3-5* in the centre of Kota Kinabalu, but the city is a city, and, accordingly, placing in these hotels has the minuses: the sea there not the purest.

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