Transport in Malaysia. Malaysia

Transport in Malaysia

Roads and driving rules

Theoretically in Malaysia movement link sided, but in practice ПДД are observed poorly, that for the foreigner transforms driving in a city into risky enough action. Besides traffic signs of the international sample, there are local "alphabetic" indexes in Malayan language. Quality of the basic roads fine, but country roads and the most part of a high system of staff Саравак are not in the best condition.

Car rent

In the presence of the international driving licence (acknowledgement in the Ministry of Road transport demand), it is possible to hire the car provided that age of the tenant not less than 23 and no more 60 years. Usually at rent the civil liability insurance, the insurance from stealing of the rented car and some local taxes and tax collections are in addition paid.


Taxi are inexpensive enough, to cause or "catch" a taxi does not make any problems. The majority of cars of the Japanese manufacture also are modern enough. At planting necessarily it is necessary to watch inclusion of the counter and its indications though the majority of drivers prefer it not to include simply. For journey is better to pay off in local currency.

Conducted - also motor-rickshaws widespread, but are favourable to distant trips, trips on short distances on them leave more expensive, than by a taxi. On a long distance "distant taxi", a fare in which twice above, than by buses go specialised, but comfort and service level is high enough.

Taxi in Kuala Lumpur are painted in black-yellow or red-white colours and equipped by taximetres. The price of first two kilometres 1,5 ринггита, and further 0,1 ринггита for each 200 metres. Since midnight till six mornings the price increases in one and a half time. Long-distance taxi can not have a taximetre, and the price should be stipulated preliminary.

Bus service

The bus – the basic means of transportation in Malaysia. Flights are carried out often enough, the various bus companies. Long-distance buses have the conditioner, suburban and regional not always.

Journey by city buses is combined enough for the foreigner - the driver can open doors on the move or outside of a stop, pass on red light or not to declare a stop (however, all announcements become on-malajski, therefore to sense from them and so it is a little). The schedule, and traffic rules are not observed almost, and routes are confused enough. In capital of the country bus service better and organised. Except buses, city trains (LRT) and monorail road (PRT), and also the whole network of fixed-route taxis here are still used.

Ferry lines from which are most convenient Penang - Баттеруорт (Malacca), between Лангкави, Kuala-Perlis and Penang, and also between Мерсинг and island Тиоман operate some.

Railways and trains

Railways exist only in the western continental part of Malaysia. Company KTM network covers all peninsula, however trains go seldom enough, on some lines only once a day. The international trains go to Singapore (3 in day) and Thailand (2 in day). In sedentary cars exists three classes – however, all three quite комфортабельны. In sleepers there is a second class, "second plus" a class and the first.

Examples of the prices: Kuala Lumpur – Баттерворт (8 hours) – in sedentary cars 17 рингиттов in the third class, 30 in the second class, 63 in the first class, in sleepers on the bottom shelf - 40 in the second class, 67 in "the second plus" and 114 in the first. The prices of the top shelves hardly more low. Kuala Lumpur – Singapore (6-8 hours): in sedentary cars 19 рингиттов in the third class, 30 in the second class, 64 in the first class, in sleepers on the bottom shelf - 40 in the second class, 68 in "the second plus" and 130 in the first.

The travel card across Malaysia and Singapore costs 35 dollars for 5 days, 55 dollars for 10 days, 120 dollars for 30 days. The variant for owners of cards ISIC, YIEE or Youth Hostel Card costs 32 dollars for 7 days. Surcharges for berths (top/bottom): the second class – 11,5/14, "second plus" – 12/16, the first class – 50/70.

Sea transport

Numerous ferries connect islands at Malaysian coast to continent. Journey on them, as a rule, is cheap enough. As an example company Langkawi Ferry connecting continent with islands Langkavi and Penang, and also serving a line to Indonesia can serve.

Air transport

The aircraft service in Malaysia rather intensive. Between the basic airports can be to two tens flights a day. The majority of them is carried out by national carrier Malaysia Airlines, but the strong competition to it is made by budgetary airline Air Asia. There is still also a number of small airlines – for example, Berjaya Air.

Национальнная airline "Malaysia Эйрлайнз", and also "Pelangi-Ejr", "Berdzhajja-Ejr" and "Mofaz-Ejr", are famous for high enough level of service and accuracy of performance of the schedule of flights. But in view of features of a local climate of a delay nevertheless are frequent, especially at flights in east regions.

In the country there are 6 international airports, main of which - the International airport Kuala Lumpur in Сепанге (КЛИА). All states, including Сабах, Саравак and federal territory Лабуан, are connected among themselves by the regular aircraft service thanks to presence of 14 airports, and also sets of runways in rural areas.

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