Holidays of Malaysia. Malaysia

Holidays of Malaysia

On January, 1st - New Year.
On January, 19-20th - Hari Rajja-Aidelfitri.
On March, 28th - Hari Райя Хаджи.
May-April - Easter.
On May, 1st - Day of solidarity of workers.
On May, 29th - Day Весак.
On June, 5th - Birthday of the king.
On June, 26th - Birthday of the Prophet.
On August, 31st - Day Мердека or Independence Day.
On November, 7th - Day Дипавали.
On December, 25th - Christmas.
The day off in one states - Sunday, in others - Friday.

Both Malay peninsula, and tens the islands located in an environment of the tropical seas, represent fine resort and historical zones. In violent tropical greens hundreds ancient temples and cult constructions are hidden, jungle is occupied by set of exotic animals, and waters surrounding the country - a large quantity of sea inhabitants. Therefore here it is possible to combine perfectly active and beach rest, ethnologic and historical excursions, supervision over fauna and any campaigns of the highest category of complexity.

Natural sights of Malaysia are presented by multikilometer sea beaches of southern coast, национальнми parks Taman-Negara, to the Gunung-mule, Kinabalu, Бако, Темплер and заказником sea turtles on Pulau-Redang, sea reserves of states Джохор, Gym shoes, reserves in Самонгкоке and wood reserve in Тимиларе, and also numerous islands - Лангкави, Пангкор, Тиоман or Penang with excellent sandy beaches and pure water.

The country is famous for the holidays, and it is not surprising - a mix of set of religions and a place of residing of the different people, this earth has generated a considerable quantity of the colourful and interesting ceremonies which roots are lost in depth of centuries. A lot of Christian, индуистских and local holidays it is annually spent in this Muslim and ostensibly to the "intolerant" country.

The European New Year is widely celebrated everywhere, except states where the basic population is made by Moslems (Джохор, Келантан, Gym shoes, Перлис, Тренгану). Hari-PARADISE-pussa (Аидип Фитри, Hari Rajja-Aidelfitri) - last day рамадана (non-working), is celebrated in honour of the post termination. Moslems mark it in a house circle. Two months after Hari Rajja-Aidelfitri the holiday of Hari Райя Айдил Адха is celebrated.

The Induistsky holiday of worship god Muruganu (Субраманиаму) - Тайпусам (Тхайпусан), is spent in the end of January - the beginning of February, and accompanied by colourful solemn processions (a day off in states Penang, Negri-Sembilan, Перак, Селангор). The set of colourful processions and religious celebrations is spent To Buddhist holiday Весак (May). Дипавали (Light Way, the end of October - the beginning of November) marks approach of new year on the Indian calendar - within the whole month all is shined and everything, oil icon lamps ("викку") everywhere burn, prayful ceremonies are created and colourful actions are carried out.

The Chinese New Year and Holiday Нефритового the Emperor (January-February) - one of the most colourful celebrations in the country as on legends Lord Nebes, living on a grief Nefritovoj, rejoices if people nicely celebrate these days (officially a holiday proceeds two days off, but actually it lasts fifteen days and is, as a matter of fact, annual holiday for the majority of Chineses). A holiday of Lunar Flat cakes and the Holiday of Small lamps - favourite festivals of the Chinese population of the country. Set of people leave on streets and celebrate these events with all actions relying in that case - костюмированными processions, dances and performances of actors, fireworks and competitions of kites. Also solemn ceremonies on Chinese holiday Ченг Бенг ("day of All Sacred") are surprisingly picturesque.

Holiday Кааматан or "crop holiday" (May, staff Сабах) is accompanied by competitions of beauty, dances, ritual ceremonies and comes to the end with ceremony of gratitude of gods. In Сараваке in the end of May - the beginning of June there passes holiday Гавай with set of sports competitions, feasts and dances. The holiday of Cat Белуд Таму Бесар represents the huge breeding gathering spent in May around the Cat-belud about Kota Kinabalu (staff Сабах). During this period here there pass the mass market representations, traditional ceremonies, костюмированные parades of horsemen and sorcerers, and also indispensable fairs of handicrafts and a foodstuff.

St. Anna's holiday (July, Penang) - within nine days are served colourful and majestic masses in St. Anna's church in Bukit-Mertadzhame and there pass night processions with candles (especially on July, 26th and 29). The holiday St. Педро is marked in honour of birthday of this patron of fishermen in Malacca (the end of June). And in July in capital the colourful Flowers festival during which time there pass competitions on the best flower registration of buildings and the "Flowers parade" accompanied by street performances of orchestras and dancing collectives is spent. Every year in Kuala Lumpur there passes Festival Malaysia (September) with the most extensive program of every possible actions.

Except numerous competitions by traditional Malayan kinds of the sports, also transformed into noisy and colourful celebrations, the Malayan stage of auto racing Гран is very popular At the Formula 1 in Сепанге (March).

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