Diving in Malaysia |
Malaysia world-wide recognised centre of rest дайвингистов. Here fans of a scuba diving from all world are flown down. White sandy beaches, riches of the underwater world and a good infrastructure do stay on islands unforgettable. Islands are scattered round a continental part of Malaysia and round island Borneo. They are united in 4 national underwater parks and are under protection of Fund of preservation of the wild nature. From the most interesting places for immersing it is necessary to note islands Sipadan, Лабуан, Тиоман, Реданг, Лангкави and Lajang-Lajang.
The island is a part of National underwater park Tunku Abdul the Novel. Is near to a northeast part of Borneo. In 1988 Cousteau's Society declared, that this Malayan island is one of the best places for immersings in the world. The island occupies the space in 12 hectares and it can be bypassed for 30 minutes. Island of an oceanic origin. Involves tourists with the white sandy beaches and a variety of sea flora and fauna. Steep calcareous rocks like columns support island, leaving in depth more than on 600 metres. This unique place in Asia where flights thousand barracudas and hundred turtles float. It is caused by presence of a warm current which constantly enriches a nutrient medium of superficial waters new receipts from depth.
The best time for diving and fishing. From the middle of February on the middle of December.
Average temperature воздуха.33 Celsius degree.
Water temperature. From 26 to 30 degrees With.
Visibility. From 18 to 40 metres.
Water inhabitants. Huge turtles, a barracuda, fish-hammer, slopes, bull-calves, jellyfishes, starfishes. Unique coral gardens: soft and firm corals, needle corals and фолойзы. Among corals meets also Дендронептия. Coral reeves occupy set of motley coral small fishes. The sea life proceeds within shallows depth from 3 to 24 metres. Also дайвингисты can investigate underwater caves which are on depth of 15 metres and are fanned by secrets and legends.
The island is in a northeast part of island Borneo at an input in a gulf Brunei, the Novel is a part of National park Tunku Abdul. In history of South East Asia this island played the big role as shopping centre. Its strategic position and convenient harbour caused fierce fights between American and Japanese fleet during the Second World War. Many frigates, destroyers and even cruisers of both belligerent parties and have not returned home and based now here, at the bottom of the sea. Diving to remains of the sunk ships Is offered. The ships lay on depth of 30-35 metres, the top parts are on depth of 8-12 metres.
Visibility. Varies every day depending on a current from 6 to 20 metres.
Average temperature воздуха.33 degree With.
Water temperature. From 26 to 30 degrees With.
Is a part of the National park Pahang which is in 60 km. From east coast of a continental part of Malaysia. The largest рифовая system of South China sea. This island shown in the Hollywood musical "Саут Пассифик", is considered one of the most beautiful in Asia. The nature has allocated with its unique beauty, and people have surrounded it дымкой ancient legends. White sandy beaches and crystal-clear blue water involve here tourists from all countries.
Diving and fishing. Тиаман an ideal place for underwater photographies, immersings with a mask and скуба diving. Here come to swim for a while with the whale sharks constantly visiting these waters.
The best time for diving and fishing. May - October.
Visibility. To 30 metres.
Sea inhabitants. Among sea inhabitants there is aggressive fish an anemone, губаны, a fish-parrot and various neon coral small fishes. Coral gardens surround island and represent interest for researchers. Among corals there are both firm, and soft copies. Among them it is possible to see corals акропора and аликонариан.
The island is near to northeast coast of peninsula Malaysia, province Теренггану. From coral formations of island it is most known recognised as the largest single coral of world-mashrum Корал, having the form of a mushroom in height of 20 metres and 300-metre diameter. Especially interestingly on island reeves to plunge at night - there is a sensation, that all living creatures of world ocean here spend the night. From August till September here there passes migration huge беспанцирных turtles.
The best time for diving. From May till October.
Average temperature of air. 33 degrees of Celsius.
Water temperature. From 26 to 30 degrees With.
Water inhabitants. Ястребоклювые and green turtles, беспанцирные turtles, barracudas, slopes, гарупа, whale sharks, тигровые sea hedgehogs, lobsters, and also black, red and white corals, гаргонарии and sponges.
Islands Langkavi consist of 99 islets and lay on a northwest extremity of peninsula Malaysia in waters of Andaman sea. Islands are famous for the most interesting myths and legends. Here there are unique mountain formations, caves of limestone and the whole miles of sandy beaches. In pure emerald waters round islands there lives set of inhabitants of the sea world. The beauty of the nature, diving and a good infrastructure have made Лангкави a popular resort. The island is all in 55 minutes of flight from Kuala Lumpur and in an hour of flight from Singapore.
The best season for diving and fishing hunting. From March till May and from September till October.
Representatives of the sea environment. Barracudas, снапперы, гаруды, джак fish, стингрей, марлины, lobsters, cancers-eremites, sea anemones, huge sea turtles and huge molluscs. Here the large quantity of corals is concentrated. Coral gardens, soft and firm corals, needle corals, фолойзы. Also unique possibility for underwater photography is given.
Visibility. 10-15 metres.
Air temperature. 21-32 degrees With.
Water temperature. 26-28 degrees With.
The island is in a northeast part of Borneo and the Novel is a part of underwater park Tunku Abdul. Is in 300 km from a city of the Cat of Kinabalu. It is the coral island which bottom of a lagoon is a top of the volcano gradually falling to waters millions of years. Some kinds of unique inhabitants of this lagoon are not studied till now by biologists and at all have no scientific names. Immersings are carried out both from coast, and from specially equipped catamarans.
Visibility. About 15 metres.
The best time for diving. From the middle of February on the middle of December.
Average temperature воздуха.33 Celsius degree.
Water temperature. From 26 to 30 degrees With.
Water inhabitants. Ястребоклювые turtles, желтоперые tunas, huge манты, grey рифовые sharks, and also black, red and white corals, гаргонарии and sponges.