Kitchen of Malaysia. Malaysia

Kitchen of Malaysia

Your impressions about Malaysia will not be full if you do not try those delightful dishes and the desserts carefully prepared for you by culinary specialists and confectioners. The Malayan kitchen is one of the most popular in the world. It confirms that fact, that the set of restaurants and the cafe worldwide have already opened, offering to the visitors to taste Malaysia. The kitchen of all countries of the world is presented to Malaysia, but it is necessary to try Asiatic cuisine dishes: Malayan, Chinese, Indian. The mix of various cultures has generated absolutely surprising variety of cookery in Malaysia. Malayan and an Indian cuisine dazzle with every possible spices and sharp spices. Chinese, on the contrary, - it is neutral. Even the European cuisine has undergone changes and has formed new style in cookery - West east. In hotels the Japanese, Korean, French and Italian kitchens, as a rule, are presented. As unforgettable seafood dishes are extended. For fans of sea delicacies here present paradise - crabs, cockleshells, oysters, squids, shrimps, lobsters and sea cucumbers will not leave indifferent even the most exacting gourmets.

The most popular dishes - сатэй (the slices of marinaded meat fried on coals, with nut sauce and карри), the Chinese rice with a hen and the Chinese vermicelli with various additives. Fans of vegetarian food too remain are happy, having visited Buddhist vegetarian restaurants. If any experiments with meal not for you, and you remain the present adherent of a classical European cuisine, at your service a large quantity of the restaurants offering an European cuisine, and also restaurants «Fast Food». At street small restaurants it is possible to have a bite it is very tasty and quickly. And it is possible not to worry about quality of food, as the dish only after the order prepares.

In Malaysia a large quantity of strange exotic fruit about which many of us at all did not hear. Whether you, for example, know a certain fruit помело (the accent is put on the first syllable) - largest of all citrus. It is similar to the big orange in size with a melon which Malayans give each other as a sign of prosperity and well-being.

Try "shaggy" рамбутан - yellow or red fruit in size with киви, covered with the soft shoots reminding щетинки. Under a peel you will find very tasty translucent segments. You will hear the most inconsistent opinions about fruit under the name дуриан. There Is it expensively enough, in size with a football and is decorated by sharp thorns. Malayans name дуриан the king of fruit. One say, that cannot transfer its smell, others assert, that anything is more tasty in a life did not try. Try and if it is not pleasant, have a snack a juicy segment of pineapple, will regale on a papaya or a mango, wash down with refined juice гуавы.

The basic dishes of Malayan kitchen:
  • наси лемак – a dish popular in Malayans used usually for a breakfast. Rice cooks in coconut milk. To it add meat or chicken peppery подливу with яйцом, vegetables and fried fish. All it turn in banana sheet.
  • наси паданг – boiled rice with карри and рендангом (перченое a meat dish)
  • лакса джохор – rice vermicelli with fish sauce карри and vegetables
  • ми джава – vermicelli with dense, sharp sauce, shrimps and tomatoes
  • екор – sharp, dense soup from tails of buffalo s with numerous additives and spices
  • сото аям – sharp chicken soup with rice and vegetables
  • саго мелака – a dessert from саго and a sugar syrup.
Street small restaurants and snack bars

Here it is possible to eat it is very tasty, cheaply and quickly. To some tourists who have not got used to local conditions, it is not pleasant, that the meal prepares directly in the street. But if you were convinced, that at restaurant and round it is pure, and waiters and cooks look tidy, bases for anxiety are not present. On the contrary, the meal prepares right after the order that guarantees its freshness. Besides, you can be assured, that will try the present Malaysian cuisine in that kind as it exists any more one century. Here to you will offer a huge choice of dishes from vermicelli, fried rice, various soups and unlimited quantity of dishes from shrimps, crabs, molluscs, squids and fish. The present holiday for fans it is tasty and it is unusual to eat!
All for vegetarians.

The whole world of unusual flavouring sensations will be opened for themselves by fans of vegetarian food, having visited Buddhist vegetarian restaurants and restaurants "Banana sheet", offering a South Indian cuisine. There are unusual not only dishes, and all ceremony of food intake. That who does not love excessive conventions at observance of table etiquette and every time when sees before itself the numerous tablewares which have been spread out on either side of a plate feels horror, this restaurant is pleasant. The ordered dishes to you will submit not on plates, and on banana sheet and is it is necessary not a knife and a plug, and is direct hands as it is accepted in the south of India.

Restaurants, "Фаст Фуд"

For the last years the similar restaurants using the American power supply system "фаст фуд" ("fast meal"), in Malaysia has appeared much. Practically in each city, big and small, you will see habitual signboards "Кентакки Фрайд Чикен", "МакДональдз", "And &W", "the Pizza of Huts" and many other things.

Kitchens of other countries

It is possible to find set of restaurants which specialise on kitchen of other nations of the world in all large cities. In most cases they are in hotels of the international class, or in a city in brisk central streets. Not leaving Malaysia, you can try the best dishes of many national kitchens Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Lebanese, Turkish, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Mexican.

Dishes from sea gifts

Coastal waters of Malaysia are rich with fish, shrimps, squids, lobsters, crabs, cockleshells, oysters, not speaking about such wonders, as sea cucumbers. Skilful hands of skilled cooks transform these gifts of the sea into the exotic delicacies, capable to amaze even the most exacting gourmets.

Ренданг, the meat dish with spices, prepares very long. Meat, coconut milk, pepper чили and the onions, flavoured with spices (cinnamon, a carnation, a coriander and a nutmeg) are extinguished on weak fire during long time. Result? Tasty, juicy, gentle meat with spicy sweetish aroma which submit with a rice pie (кетупат) or the sticky rice welded in coconut milk (леманг).

Стимбоут. This concept includes both a way of preparation, and a dish which is turning out as a result. In центрестола on fire there is a smoking soup bowl with a broth in which having dinner throw small cut slices of a hen, a liver, sea cucumbers, crude shrimps, перепелиные eggs and vegetables.

The hen on-sechuanski, an ognenno-sharp dish from slices of the hen, generously seasoned with pepper чили, will be on a shoulder or, more truly, "on language" only to the most brave gourmets.

Тосай, thin fritters from a rice flour, sometimes stuff with a potato and different vegetables and submit with the lentil flavoured карри, and чатни, sweet-sour coconut seasoning to meat.

Уонтон Ми, unusually popular dish among Chineses, represents dense soup with vermicelli, pelmeni with shrimps and fried pork.

Sweet temptation

Check Мек Молек, Буах Мелака, Тепонг Пелита, Куих Лапис, Айс Качанг, Чендол, Саго Rumble Мелака, Flax Чu Канг - seductive desserts which it is impossible to resist.
Exotic names of the tropical desserts finishing a meal, full of culinary surprises and gastronomic изысков. These cakes prepare, as a rule, from sugar, a flour, eggs and coconut milk. They are especially popular during a religious post in a month Рамадан. To find them it is possible everywhere - and in small snackbars at a roadside, and at the best restaurants of the international hotels.


Рамбутан. Red or yellow fruit in size with киви, covered outside the soft shoots reminding hair. Under a peel white translucent segments, to taste reminding личи disappear.

Water-melon. Fine means for a thirst satisfying in hot.полдень! Does not require representation as it is imported to all countries with a temperate climate.

Джамбу Аир. And here this fruit - the perfect stranger for many. The small size, under the form a reminding hand bell, with a smooth brilliant peel of white, pink or red colour, it very juicy and perfectly satisfies thirst.

Гуава. If you go in Перак, do not forget to stop in small town Bidor. Here it is direct at road sell well-known гуавы Бидора. They differ the high maintenance of vitamin C and refined taste. Local residents eat them, strewing from above with sweet-sour seasoning. Объедение!

Дуку. This fruit in size with гольфовый a ball covered thick золотистокоричневой with a peel, ripens vavguste-September. Try not естьего seeds - they very bitter.

Чику. By the form чику it is very similar on киви. Its sweet brownish pulp often use in fruit salads.

Coconut. Thanks to gentle pulp and sweetish cool juice young fruits of a coco are very popular both in local residents, and at tourists.

Bananas. After pineapple and дуриана bananas take the third place on the importance among fruit cultures in Malaysia. Here the diversified grades of bananas are grown up. писанг мас, писанг тандук, писанг растали and писанг раджа.

Мангустин. In size with небoльшой the orange, мангустин is covered by a thick firm peel of temtso-violet colour which hides snow-white juicy segments of thin gentle taste. It ripens during the period from November till March.

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