It is useful to know |
In Malaysia in English speak almost everywhere, but guide signs and names of settlements are often made in local languages (the Latin is used). Chineses use the Chinese language (especially its dialects "хокки" and "тичью"), тамилы speak on-tamilski, and almost in each village there is a dialect. Therefore for visiting of internal areas it is necessary to take advantage of services of local translators.
At the western coast a season of rains not so long, rains as quickly begin, also quickly and come to an end, are short enough and are not so strong, as in the east of the country. The best time for country visiting - the period from March till September. Categorically it is not recommended to visit Malaysia in November, December and January - hot and very damp weather during this period труднопереносима Europeans.
It is recommended to use repellents and москитные grids, especially out of resort zones. Also it is necessary to carry constantly sun glasses, headdresses and to use sun-protection creams - solar radiation here essentially exceeds habitual to us in average widths.
Malaysia - one of the most safe for tourists of the countries of South East Asia. Water as a whole is safe for drink, but it is recommended to drink nevertheless boiled or бутилированную water. To buy meal from street dealers practically safely. The criminality is low, but in crowded places it is necessary to watch constantly the bags, a photo-and videocameras. It is recommended to make in advance copies of the passport, air tickets, other documents and to hold them together with some sum of money separately. In cities and resort zones many police posts and the patrols conducting supervision over tourist areas, therefore always are possible расчитывать on their help.
The majority of Chinese "hotels" are the disguised public houses, therefore to women without support in the Chinese areas of cities to appear does not follow. Lanterns in streets in окраинных practically are not present quarters - the majority of streets is shined by light from windows of halls of a karaoke and restaurants ("pubs") which, as a matter of fact, too are "brothels". In large tourist areas of street and the house are shined absolutely in an European way and absolutely safe.
The public life of the country is constructed on principles of philosophy of the consent and tolerance, therefore it is not necessary to show radical moods and in no event it is impossible to be started up in religious debate. Categorically it is not recommended to concern problems of mutual relation of ethnoses and religion. At an input in the house, and also in mosques and temples, always it is necessary to remove footwear. It is not necessary to show on people and subjects the index finger of the right hand, instead usually uses the big finger, other fingers are bent. It is impossible to carry shorts and short skirts in public places, in official bodies and mosques the clothes should cover knees. The use and spread of drug addiction is punished by a death penalty (for foreigners probably softening of punishment - till 20 years of imprisonment). To lonely women to use a self-locking device categorically it is not recommended.
Bathing in the sea as a whole is safe, as the majority of beaches is framed by coral reeves, but behind their limits powerful enough currents, especially strong in South China sea. Some kinds of sea inhabitants are poisonous, therefore it is necessary to consult necessarily at local residents - what representatives ихтиофауны can be touched, and with whom such reference can end is pitiable. In the spring (usually in February-May, usually within 1-2 weeks) at coast of staff Сабах (Borneo) is observed "red inflow" ("red tide") - intensive reproduction of some kinds of the plankton, giving to water a red shade. It is impossible to bathe at this time in view of danger to receive a poisoning.
Нудизм it is not forbidden, but categorically it is not recommended, especially on public beaches.