History of Kirghizia. Kirghizia

History of Kirghizia

The territory of Kyrgyzstan, as well as all Central Asia, is one of the most ancient centres of a human civilisation. Researches of archeologists show, that the primitive person has accustomed here since Stone Age times. Кыргызы - the ethnos known in the Central Asia already in the first millenium B.C., have informed through centuries up to now the self-name.

The first state formations in territory of modern Kyrgyzstan have arisen in the second century BC when southern, agricultural areas of the country were a part of the state Parkan.

In 4-3 centuries B.C. ancient кыргызы entered into the powerful breeding unions of nomads which rather seriously disturbed China. Building of the Great Chinese wall then has begun. In 2-1 centuries B.C. the part of the Kirghiz tribes has left from under the power гуннов (Хунну) to Yenisei ("Ene-saj" on-kyrgyzski "Mother-river") and Baikal ("Бай кел" on-kyrgyzski - "Rich lake" means). Here they have formed the first state and Kirghiz Каганат.

It was the centre of consolidation of the Kirghiz people, formation of its culture. Here there was a first writing кыргызов. Runichesky inscriptions have remained on stone monuments. State destruction under blows of conquerors has led to writing loss, but not to national memory. The unprecedented epos on volume "Манас" - the original encyclopaedia which has incorporated events of history, data on a society, customs and a life.

In V century transition to a settled way of life and at the nomads occupying Northern Kyrgyzstan has begun. To Х to a century the first certificates of written sources on Kirghiz tribes occupying Tien Shan concern. Widely known monument of an antiquity are rock drawings in natural boundary Sajmaly-Tash. These unique lists speak about high level of a civilisation кыргызов that time. Imagination the tower of the Snow-storm and the Uzgensky architectural complex, testifying to a great skill of architects and builders till now amaze.

From the middle prior to the beginning of 10 centuries великокыргызское the khanate has captured Southern Siberia, Mongolia, Baikal, upper courses of Irtysh, a part of Kashgaria, Issyk Kul and Talas. The period of blossoming of the Kirghiz state was not only the period of gains, but also a trading exchange with Chineses, тибетцами, the people of Southern Siberia, Central and Central Asia. During this period кыргызы, after a victory over Uigur каганатом, for the first time have entered on territory Tjan-Shanja. However in 10 century under the power кыргызов there was Only southern Siberia, Altai and Southwest Mongolia.

In 11-12 centuries of their possession were reduced to Altai and Sayan mountains. Meanwhile, the parts of the Kirghiz tribes disseminated on huge space accepted active participation in events with which the history of the Central Asia is rich. They have managed to keep the ethnic independence and to become a kernel of an attraction of other ethnoses. The final stage этногенеза is connected with Mongolian, ойротским (калмацким), найманским and other central-Asian people. Since XIII century кыргызам it was necessary to wage bloody wars for independence of various conquerors.

In second half XV centuries in territory of Kyrgyzstan as a result of association of the Kirghiz tribes for the first time there was an independent khanate which structure included the basic part of the Kirghiz nationality generated by then.

Kyrgyzstan had great value on the Great Silk Way. The city of Osh - the main city of the south of modern Kyrgyzstan - within many millenia because of geographically convenient arrangement was a transit city of the Fergana branch of the Great Silk Way. Local residents served travellers and dealers of caravans. Ош as a convenient place for trade and an exchange of the goods involved dealers, handicraftsmen, cattlemen and farmers.

In 1863 Northern Kyrgyzstan has been attached to Russian empire, and in 1876 - Southern. After a victory of October revolution кыргызы together with all people of the former imperial Russia were a part of the Soviet republic.

In 1918 Kyrgyzstan became a part Turkestani АССР. On the national-state delimitation of the Soviet republics of Central Asia the Penalty-Kirghiz (since May, 25th, 1925 - Kirghiz) autonomous region as a part of RSFSR which has been transformed on February, 1st, 1926 in Kirghiz АССР, and on December, 5th, 1936 - in the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic on October, 14th, 1924 has been formed.

The Kirghiz people have received national independence and the national sovereignty peace by after disintegration of the USSR. In October, 1990 at session of the Supreme body of republic the decision on renaming of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic in Republic Kyrgyzstan was accepted. On December, 15th, 1990 the Supreme body has accepted the Declaration on the republic sovereignty, and on August, 31st, 1991 - the Declaration on independence of Kyrgyzstan. Thus, this day - - became on August, 31st day of independence of Kyrgyzstan.

On May, 5th, 1993 the first Constitution of the Kirghiz Republic as independent sovereign state has been accepted. On May, 10th, 1993 in Kyrgyzstan own national currency - a catfish has been entered.

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