Culture of Kirghizia |
Кыргызы have roots of nomads and till now at them all attributes of a nomadic life have remained. And even now you can see yurtas - the unusual portable dwellings decorated with felt carpets made manually and tapes, can try national dishes and drinks. At desire you can even live a little in a yurta, observing a daily life: выпас sheep, koumiss preparation, national horse games.
Going back to древнетюркским to traditions, the yurta has incorporated all best of centuries-old experience of the people. The Kirghiz tribes which were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding in mountain conditions, have developed the type of portable dwelling most convenient for these conditions which understood easily, translated on pack animals and was again established...
In a yurta of the person surround cosy, convenient carpets, the woven and embroidered coverlets, blankets and pillows, other subjects of use quite often executed by the mistress. Materials which are necessary to skilled workers, is a felt, a nap fabric, a wool, textiles, a straws-chy, the basic graphic means - colour and an ornament. It is harmony, remarkable on the simplicity and expressive force.
Colour of the Kirghiz national fabrics, carpets, embroideries juicy, cheerful. It develops of strong, contrast colours where prevail "warm" tone - red, brown. In the past of the master used vegetative dyes, in the present - chemical. The ornament occurs from far "bronze epoch", but gradually it was supplemented and updated. Its elements are borrowed from vegetative and the fauna surrounding the nomad. The basic motive of the Kirghiz ornament - a curl "кочкор" - the stylised mutton horn. The twisting line with rhythmically located curls is called "кыял" - "dream", "imagination". It also reminds a branch of a blossoming tree.