Weather and climate of Kirghizia. Kirghizia

Weather and climate of Kirghizia

Climate continental, dry. In view of strong пересеченности a relief in territory Киргизстана climatic conditions are non-uniform enough - in high-mountainous areas Tjan-Shanja weather has all signs of a subpolar climate, in southwest areas (Fergana valley) - subtropical, and in northern foothills a climate almost moderated. Characteristic line is dryness of air over all territory of the country, thanks to what here on the average 247 sunny days in a year.

The Srednejanvarsky temperature fluctuates from-1 With to-8 C in valleys, and to-18-27 C in high mountains. The coldest month - January when from the Siberian region, Mongolia and Kazakhstan cold air weights come, whose influence is aggravated стоковыми with winds from neighbouring mountains. In the summer (July) in valleys from +15 With to +27 With, in foothills from +10 With to +24 With, and in high-mountainous areas to +5-11 C. And, unlike the winter period, hot air weights from territory of northwest and western regions of Central Asia do not get almost into intermountain hollows Киргизстана. However southern slopes heat up strongly enough. Air temperature at coast of Issyk Kul is less contrast and is all year long moderated (in the winter about +2 With, in the summer - +18-22).

The annual quantity of deposits fluctuates from 180 mm in the east of the country to 600 mm in southwest regions. The maximum quantity of deposits drops out in the beginning of summer and during the osenne-winter period. And to the middle of winter the thickness of a snow cover on the western slopes of mountains can reach 1 metre, and in high mountains snow lays all year long.

Spring and early autumn - the best time for country visiting. In the spring the short-term period of flowering of desert and hillsides creates the extremely colourful registration of a landscape, warm and soft enough weather during the period since September on the beginning of November is accompanied by harvesting when all markets are filled with vegetables and fruit. July and August - the best months for visiting of mountain areas, at the same time weather here is enough изменчива at any time year, therefore it is necessary to have at itself a necessary stock of warm things and equipment. In November rains begin, and in December snow closes mountain passes. The ski season lasts from the end of October - the beginnings of December till the end of April. Nights can be cool at any time year.

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